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HomeNewsSchool trustee wants more virtual meetings to save money

School trustee wants more virtual meetings to save money

A Huron-Superior Catholic District School Board trustee wants the board to take a closer look at trustee spending and consider more virtual meetings to save money.
Trustee John Caputo says he would like to see his peers spend less on travelling to committee meetings in Sault Ste. Marie and opt to attend them virtually.
Caputo says it is the committee meetings that are starting to cost a bit more depending on how many committees the trustees are on, where they live and how they get to the meetings.
He adds regular board meetings are held monthly at the board’s office in the Sault.
He says he would like to see trustees utilize more virtual meetings because the board already spent money on broadband and internet so there would be no, if little cost involved.
Caputo also points out the Ministry is likely going to start auditing discretionary spending and its abuse.
No immediate action was taken, but it was noted that education director Fil Lettieri will be meeting this Thursday with the Ministry of Education regarding discretionary spending and will report back to the board at its next regular meeting.
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