Manitoulin OPP Detachment Commander Inspector Megan Moriarty addressed a small group of visitors yesterday at the new detachment in Little Current to highlight the facility and delivery of police services.
Moriarty says the new facility is state-of-the-art and centralizes services for Manitoulin Island and the Espanola region.
She adds the Mindemoya/Manitowaning satellite detachment will be closed, as will the former detachment headquarters in Little Current.
However, the Gore Bay, Espanola and McKerrow satellite detachments will remain in place.
She stresses all levels of service will be maintained and along with the new detachment, cruisers have been outfitted to be ‘rolling offices’ where officers can respond to incidents no matter where they are quickly and efficiently.
Moriarty says every officer is now equipped with a cell phone, tablet and portable computer system, so they can access information, such as licence plates, identities and more on the spot when out on patrol.
She adds victim services are also now available at the new detachment as well.
It took nearly four years to complete the construction of the new detachment, which opened to the public on August 18th.
- Manitoulin OPP Sergeant Robert Forcier demonstrated the capabilities of the OPP cruisers, which have been modified to be ‘rolling offices’, making policing more efficient and allowing for quick response throughout the Manitoulin OPP jurisdiction.
- The new Manitoulin OPP detachment officially opened its doors on August 18th. It features state-of-the-art technology, storage and evidence facilities, jail cells, safe entries for prisoners’ arrival and departure, common meeting areas and plenty of parking.
- The front foyer where the public will be greeted at the Manitoulin OPP detachment in Little Current.
- Northeastern Region OPP Superintendent Mike Pilon and Manitoulin OPP Detachment Commander Megan Moriarty held an information session to highlight police services on Manitoulin Island and in the Espanola Region
- The main entrance of the new Manitoulin OPP detachment available for the public, while the next photo shows a major improvement, police and civilian staff.
- Sudbury Crimestoppers is a key partner with Manitoulin OPP in providing assistance to help link the public and the police in finding individuals or information about cases.
Photos by Rosalind Russell – staff