The weekend train derailment near Gogama is resulting in angry reactions. Harvey Yesno is the Grand Chief of the Nishnawbe Aski Nation. Yesno says the Mattagami First Nation was already reeling from an earlier train derailment and now it faces an even more serious crash. Saturday’s derailment resulted in 35 cars carrying oil to catch fire and five others to end up in the Mattagami River. Yesno says CN and the feds need to monitor the impact of the weekend crash and another from a few weeks ago. Meanwhile, Nickel Belt MP Claude Gravelle is questioning the long-term impact Saturday’s CN derailment will have on the Mattagami River. The watershed is the source and livelihood of the Mattagami First Nation. Gravelle says although it’s fortunate no one was hurt, the derailment will affect the nearby residents. He says two derailments in less than a month is two too many and it’s time the Harper Tories make rail safety a real priority.