Nipissing MPP Vic Fedeli says an attempt by the Ontario Liberals not to show a massive hydro debt they created will be challenged. The Financial Accountability Officer says the debt could hit $93-billion however Fedeli says the Liberals moved the number off their books to give the appearance of a lower provincial debt. Fedeli says that’s not sitting well with the Auditor General. Fedeli says Bonnie Lysyk is so concerned about what he calls the manipulation that she plans to issue a special report on this matter closer to the end of the month. The Tory finance critic expects the report to show “just how truly heinous this plan was” and how “they tried to fool the public”. Fedeli also expects Lysyk to tell the Liberals they have to show the 93-billion debt on their books. Meanwhile, Fedeli also says the public should be worried that the Ontario Liberal’s Fair Hydro Plan reduces rates by 25 percent. Because the savings will trigger a massive debt, at some point it has to be paid back. Fedeli says the Liberals will dip into our pockets to pay the debt and hit us with things like more user fees, or collect the money through income taxes. Fedeli also believes that if the Wynne Liberals win next June’s election, regardless of what they claim hydro rates will skyrocket well above the inflation rate.