A heat warning is back in effect for the area today. Temperatures are expected to hit 36 with the humidity in some areas today. Heat warnings are issued when the forecast rises for two days to 29 or hotter during the day and 18 degrees or above at night. Seniors, infants, pregnant woman, and those who work outside are at the biggest risk for heat related illnesses, like heat stroke.
Environment Canada says to watch out for symptoms of heat illness. That can include dizziness, fainting, rapid heartbeat, and extreme thirst. The hot spell is expected to break on Friday, but thunderstorms may roll through the area tomorrow bringing temporary relief.
Environment Canada is releasing some symptoms of heat illness:
- dizziness or fainting, nausea or vomiting
- headache
- rapid breathing and heartbeat
- extreme thirst and
- decreased urination with unusually dark yellow urine
If you experience any of these, get to a cool place and drink water.