A new housing project got the go-ahead at a recent Espanola council meeting.
XP Development Limited, a developer that just completed building six new homes in Espanola, applied to the town for the creation of a new lot on Elizabeth Street.
The proposed development would sever one lot into two and allow for two four-plexes and two granny suites to be built, (six one-bedroom units and four two/three-bedroom units) some geared to low-income as well as a request for an easement for a shared driveway.
It is expected that 3 of the 10 units will be offered at a lower rental price based on CMHCs affordable rental calculation.
The rest will be regular market rent.
The developer stated: that they’ve applied for CMHC affordable housing funding and that as part of this, he stated three units will be offered at 70% of the low median market rent which will be around the $700 per month mark for one bedroom. He also states that two of the units will be accessible as well to accommodate those who may have accessibility needs.
However, Ian Karvonen who lives in the area, speaking on behalf of his neighbours, pointed out they have environmental concerns with the property being beside a creek and on a flood plain, and that he didn’t think it was zoned properly.
Town CAO Joseph Burke explained that the lots are already zoned correctly, a preliminary environmental assessment was done that met all regulations and pumping systems will be installed to address water and sewer requirements.
In the end, Mayor Doug Gervais pointed out that the town’s Strategic Plan focuses on the dire need for housing in Espanola, which has almost a zero vacancy rate at this time.
It was also pointed out that if the application was turned down, the developers could appeal, stressing that the proposal meets all the requirements of law, including the Planning Act.
The council approved the severance application, and the project will now move forward.