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HomeNewsEspanola Elks plays host to the national president

Espanola Elks plays host to the national president

On Wednesday, November 13th, Espanola Elks hosted the Grand Exalted Ruler/National President Myles Reid and his Wife Annie, both of who play an important role part of the Elks and Royal Purple Fund for Children.
Reid, freshly minted to his new position, shared a positive message with the local Elks commending them for their hard work at the local level.
“The Lodges of the Elks of Canada are the backbone of our organization, without them the children we help would not have champions supporting them. You truly do make a difference in their lives. I applaud you all, keep up the fantastic work.”
Officially, he welcomes the challenges of national leadership.
He says a great honour has been bestowed upon him by the membership of the Elks of Canada, an honour that he does not take lightly. Reid says the Order is very fortunate to have a strong and dedicated National Executive and Committees.
“The Grand Lodge staff go above and beyond what is required of them. I strongly believe that without these people and the skill sets they bring to our organization, we would not be the Elks we are today.
Reid says he has a theme this year that he is sharing on his travels: “Good People Good Times”.
He says he chose this because he sees Good People from the Lodges out in the community doing the hard work to make communities a better place to raise families.
“This also allows you to have fun, and enjoy yourselves. Take the Good Times you’ve earned it.”
Reid says his focus this year is on Membership and the Fund for Children, both of which are essential to the organization.
“We need to grow our membership if we are going to help the children. Yes, it sounds easier said than done, but if we all brought in just one member think of the possibilities all these new potential members could do for the Elks.
“These new members will have fresh new ideas to help with fundraising/events and this is where our older established members can offer their experience and guidance.
“Communication is vital not only in our everyday lives but at all levels of our Order, we sometimes forget this. We cannot function as an Order if we aren’t talking to one another in some form. A phone call, text message, or email makes a difference. And of course, talking to the person face to face. Any of these ways of communicating will keep Lodge members engaged and on the same page.
The Elks & Royal Purple Fund for Children is a grassroots charity and remains a proud tradition of our Lodges and members all across Canada. The charity relies on donations from Lodges through their fundraising efforts and personal contributions. Our donors know that through their ongoing support, they are making a real and measurable difference in the lives of countless children in need. Many children have benefited, but much work remains to be done.
The Fund for Children was established so members of the Order had a national instrument to complement their local charitable and community service efforts. The national charity provides a unified focus and objective for the members and is a great source of pride among our Lodges
“What it all comes down to is we all work hard, now it’s time to have some fun.
“Our strength to enjoy and have a good time will both keep members and attract new ones. Most people could use some fun in their lives, and we can provide the avenue for them to do that and help others while doing it.”
Reid and his wife are touring lodges across the country sharing his positive messaging, and thank the individual Lodges for their friendly welcome and open doors.”
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