Talks about the election process for a local area First Nation are underway.
Sagamok-Anishnawbek First Nation community officer Robert Porter says community members received a package this week that outlines some of the proposals for changing how the chief and council are elected in the community.
Porter says the first session was held yesterday but there are two more, one today from 9 am to 4 pm, and the second this Friday, from 9 am to 4 pm.
He says members of the community are invited to review the packages and share their opinions and concerns before the documentation, The Sagamok Leadership Selection Law and the Sagamok Anishnawbek Law Regulations are finalized.
He adds there is a link online for a survey, which is available on our websites.
No timeline has been set for finalizing the legislation.
To review the package and take part in the survey, visit