Wondering what to do if your child missed Grade 7 and 8 school vaccines?
To get students caught up on vaccines they may have missed, youth aged 12 and older are now eligible to attend summer catch-up clinics being offered by Public Health Sudbury & Districts.
Youth who are due, overdue, or unsure if they are eligible for one or more vaccines can contact Public Health to inquire about their vaccine needs.
There are a variety of vaccines available for children 12 years of age and up, some recommended before returning to schools, others that are required.
The catch-up clinics will be available throughout the summer, so to set up an appointment call the health agency.
Catch-up clinic details
Appointment-based clinics will run every Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday, 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., from July 26 to August 31, inclusive. Evening appointments will also be available on Thursdays upon request.
Additional clinics will be scheduled throughout Public Health’s service area.
How to book an appointment
Parents or legal guardians of youth under 16 years of age, or youth 16 years of age and older who are due or overdue for routine vaccinations can make an appointment at one of the catch-up clinics this summer by calling Public Health Sudbury & Districts at 705.522.9200, ext. 458 (toll-free 1.866.522.9200).
Other locations where vaccines may be received
Youth wishing to receive school program vaccines through their health care provider should contact their office. The vaccines are available for health care providers to order through Public Health’s special release program.