A project which will expand the emergency department at the Mindemoya Site of the Manitoulin Health Centre is now underway.
Interim CO-CEO Tim Vine says yesterday’s shovel ceremony took place at the Mindemoya site.
The project will expand the emergency department by over 2,500 square feet as well as renovating over 4,000 square feet, including Diagnostic Imagining, Laboratory, and the Chemotherapy suite.
Vine says the total project cost is approximately $5 million with half coming from reserves and the other half from the community at large.
The ceremony was held yesterday to mark the beginning of construction.
He adds there will be one additional treatment room and other improvements such as an isolation room with negative pressure to isolate airborne illness, expanding the major resuscitation room with the ability to treat two critical patients at once, inclusion of a mental health room with adjoining family room, and the co-location of triage and registration to streamline patient flow.
Vine adds one of the most important additions is allowing the chemo program to pass accreditation requirements so it can continue to operate as a satellite program of the North-East Cancer Centre.
To donate to the renovation visit the link https://www.canadahelps.org/en/dn/9790
Site work on secondary parking lot. Photo credit Julia Fedec
Rear of existing emergency department with brick removal. Phot credit Julia Fedec.
Left to right: Paula Fields, Interim Co-CEO, VP Clinical Services and Chief Nursing Officer; Tim Vine, Interim Co-CEO, VP Corporate Support Services and Chief Financial Officer.
Photo credit to Lori Mastelko.