Restaurants and non-essential businesses will be welcoming back customers on Tuesday.
Ontario officials have announced our region will be at the Orange-Restrict level when the provincial stay-at-home order is lifted.
That means passive screening will be implemented when going to stores and private organized events, like in your backyard or at the park, will be limited to ten people inside and twenty-five people outside.
Organized events at staffed business facilities are set at 50 people inside and 100 people outside.
Restaurants and bars must have two metres between tables, with the maximum amount of people allowed inside at 50 and only four people are allowed at a table.
Gyms will also be allowed to open but they are limited to fifty people and there must be three metres between exercise areas.
The province has introduced an “emergency brake” for the reopening of all areas of the province.
That brake will be pulled if the number of new COVID-19 cases starts to spike in any region, especially where a variant may be spreading.
The emergency brake will move an area from any level of the province’s framework into the Grey-Lockdown level to control the spread of the virus.
On Monday, Health Minister Christine Elliott said this is not a reopening or a return to normal, but rather an acknowledgment that steady progress is being made to flatten the curve of cases in Ontario.
On Thursday, Dr. Adalsteinn Brown of Ontario’s COVID-19 Advisory Table says cases and hospitalizations are going down, but a third wave and lockdown are a very serious threat right now because of the spread of the variants.
New modelling data shows the increased spread of the variant will likely result in another surge of cases in late February.