The Steelworkers union is again calling for safer mining conditions following the death of two contractors at the Lockerby Mine in Sudbury on Tuesday. Both men died when there was a fall of ground after a seismic event. Union spokesman Myles Sullivan says there are serious safety issues in Ontario’s mines. Sullivan adds the Steelworkers will keep pushing for a comprehensive mine safety review. The Ontario Federation of Labour is also calling on the province to make mines safer. Meanwhile, minister of northern development and mines, Michael Gravelle, says the Liberals are committed to keeping mines safe. Gravelle was reacting to Tuesday’s double mine deaths in Sudbury. He expects a comprehensive review will lead to recommendations on making mines safer for workers. Industry, labour and health and safety officials are part of that review. Tuesday’s deaths come less than a month after a miner was killed at Vale’s Copper Cliff smelter near Sudbury.