Want to know what it is like to work with the Ontario Provincial Police – the auxiliary is a great way to find out.
The OPP recently removed Espanola’s detachment from the Sudbury office and blended it with Manitoulin Island.
Now that working relationship has been established, Manitoulin-Espanola OPP Community Safety Officer, Marie Ford, says she hopes there is enough interest for auxiliary units both in Espanola and on Manitoulin Island.
Ford adds they are looking for interested individuals between 18 to 65 years of age.
Anyone interested in becoming an auxiliary police officer must spend 10 hours on patrol with an OPP officer as well as maintain six hours of training every month including the use of force and firearms, although they cannot carry guns.
Anyone interested in applying to the Auxiliary Policing Program, go to www.opp.ca .
The application form can be printed out.
There will also be information about the program, duties and specifics for qualifying. Once the application has been filled out it should be marked ‘Auxiliary Application’ and dropped off at either the Little Current or Gore Bay OPP detachments on Manitoulin and at the Espanola detachment, with the line: to the attention of Sergeant John Parsley.