The snow is here and that is good news for Snowarama 2018.
Carmen Bazinet, the regional administrator for Easter Seals, says the 40th annual snowmobile ride for Easter Seals in the Espanola area is set for Sunday, February 11th as part of Winter Carnival 2018.
Bazinet says anyone interested in the ride can go online for the pledge form and print it out or sponsor a rider of their choosing.
Last year, 35 riders took part raising $6,519.
Funds raised goes to Easter Seals to provide children and youth with mobility tools such as wheelchairs, walkers and bath equipment.
They also get to enjoy going to summer camp, which is set up to be fully accessible for anyone with physical difficulties.
The ride will be going to Massey this year and a spaghetti supper will take place at the Webbwood Eagles Club.