A report by the Integrity Commissioner of Elliot Lake released last night shows a divide between council members.
Integrity Commissioner Robert Swayze has made several complaints public, which may have led to the resignation of two councilors; Candace Martin and Scot Reinhardt, as well as involving former Interim CAO director of corporate services, Michael Humble.
Swayze stated on September 19, he received a complaint from Humble against Martin, Reinhardt and sitting Councillor Connie Nykaforak for workplace harassment in that one or all of them requested and participated in three closed session meetings of Council which excluded him as Interim CAO.
Swayze added Humble’s submission to him was that the meetings were called by the three in retaliation for his filing prior complaints against Reinhardt, and to terminate his employment.
In the last of the meetings, on a majority vote of Council, his title of Interim CAO was removed.
However, with the resignation of all three, Swayze has decided not to move ahead with the investigation.
Councillor Nykaforak spent 15 minutes outlining what she sees as breaches of privacy with the release of the report, but the majority of council disagreed with her and accepted the findings.
The complete report is available at: cityofelliotlake.com – under council agenda.